Saturday, March 7, 2009

One of the Most Embarassing Things That I Did!!

Well.. In college life.. We are obliged to do some things thats not are stuff just to make grades. These things can come in any form and the time has come for me to do THIS thing!!!!!!

Its for the Philippine Literature subject (which is only a minor subjcet but we spend more time in it than the Design which is really our major subject). We are assigned to make a role play of the selection "Claudia and Her Mother". I was the leader but at first i wasn't. We had this grouping consisting of my friends, as usual, and we had no one to represent our group then suddenly my friend raised her hand. I thought she was volunteering to be the leader of the group but I was shocked and amazed and was grrrr...... to hear my surname came out of her mouth.... And so in the end..... I was the leader.... Well at first I was so irritated because I dont want to be the leader. I dont want burden and responsibilities. There had been many times already in the past semesters that I was the leader and my groupmates just keep on giving me the GREAT GREAT BURDEN and I really dont like it. Plus, I am not good in dealing and communicating with people like telling them what to do because I don wanna be bossy...I just want a normal life. A normal waking up in the morning not worrying about the submittals of my groupmates. But I realized that in the end I can help develop myself and be better than I am yesterday. I mean in every failure and headache that I earn from these BURDENs, I learn something that I need to know and then I can use it as a weapon in the future.

The "Claudia and Her Mother" is about a female college student whose mother is an ultimate dictator. Her mother orders her what to take as course for college and things like dont go out at night, bla bla bla.. Well this daughter has no guts to say to her mother that she's too much controlling her life and she doenst like it anymore!!!! Then one day a very close friend of this daughter came to the house of the mother to return some clothes and and upon dropping by, she discovers the rude personality of this mother. The friend doesnt know that Claudia has already killed herself because of the pressure and the motehr is just keeping it inside. Well lets see..

Well, some of my friends are kill joy and I think, only some of us are willing to touch the "PATALIM" to finish this irritating LIT subject so..... since no one likes the role of the mother and we are lacking time... I took the RISK!!!!!!!!! I became the RUDE MOTHER (about 62 y/o)

I dressed like my LOLA...I wore the clothes my mother gave to my LOLA and my LOLA gave to Tita Nancy and then huala!!!! I look like an old, really old person!!! I wore glasses that has no power and a white shawl that also belongs to my lola and nothing for my feet, sometimes slippers, sometimes nothing..


Well I took the risk..

Thinking what will my classmates think about me...

Oh my..OMGGG!!!!

Will we reach the standards of our professor??

This is so very extremely EMBARASSING!!!

Will we not get 40 pts for the final exam...???

And the hell... I really spend more time and butterflies in my stomach in this than in my DESIGN subject...

Good Luck to US!!!! Next time, Ill show you a picture of what I look like there!!!!!



DIANE said...

Well, I chose you as our leader because I suddenly remembered that you think you couldn't be a good leader. I chose you to develop that 'leadership' in you. Being a leader is not all about these burdens, bla, bla; if you trust your groupmates.
We trust you.That's all.