Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, its our vacation already and I dunno what to do ...its so boring being a TAONG BAHAY!!!! ANyway...the thing that Im about to blog right now is the experience I had with my Design Instructor...Arch. Froilan Fontecha..

My defense last March 20, 2009 was very, very unforgettable..I got 79 %..Its because I was the first one to report and I disappointed him...really disappointed him... I think its also my fault..I took in a big amount of procrastination, I think.. I didnt think of my pla very well... I didnt change it for good and I was very confident.... though I didnt really rely on my original concept .

I presented my work and he very much... Did not like it.. I had PLENTTTYYYY of errors.. and I am very much hurt because I really worked hard for it...But I admit...there are things that I didnt consider doing to make it good...

I had no labels, dimensions, specifications, finishes, furnitures, my concept was not good and many more...I am so wrong..

But I think there were two things that had me going that very moment and thse were a real advantage..first, now I know what are my errors, next time I can do better and now that I know the effect of procrastination, I wont be needing it next time..Second, I left my bag in his office..Well I returned to the lobby realising that I left my bag there...behind his table so I went back to get it but my classmate is already having her defense so I get to talk to my classmates for the last time...hahahhaha....


Ariel LV Tan said...

I'm sure you can do better next time! Don't worry, most Malaysians are procrastinators, too. Including me! He he he!

Happy holidays!! =)

DIANE said...

it's okay. better luck next time. anyway, you don't deserve the grade, i mean, you deserve a higher one (sipsip)!