Saturday, January 10, 2009


Again, Im in school doing things..I miss my cousins..I miss waking up at 10 and eat at the dining room with the electric fan focused at me!!! I miss Burnin' Up..Love it..Our design professor is killing us now. He ordered us to do things, look for floor plans, space program, bubble diagram..and my groupmates are away from me.. I miss TV..but now that its exam next week, need to review..

Good thing Sir Hoa moved the due date of that drawing plate..its boring to do eh..but I admit, I love to the the Chartres coz its my faorite of all the cathedrals coz Ive watched a docummentary about it..

Ariel, I miss ya, I have a bad new, sad to say, Inah did not make it to Ateneo de Manila Univversity, she was very upset just now. I really dunno how to cheer her up, all I know is to say, "There are other universities anyway..I am sure you can do it!!"...I dunno how to cheer her up, well as an older cousin I should say things that would cheer her up right?Help me..

I did not try that university coz I know I wont pass its entrance exams so what's the point? But Inah, I dunno what to say..

I really miss you guys..wish I have all the time to be with you, haha, but we wont grow if that happens, we need to evolve if we dont...the next time you see me, I shall have no pimples anymore..that is one of my new year's resolution...whats yours?

Before I leave, I learned a very nice motto from my friends, please keep it with you the same way I keep it to myself...pass it to your friends if you wish..

"good actions are the best apologies for the wrong things we have done in the past.."


Ariel LV Tan said...

Oh no! Inah didn't make it in?! I can't believe they rejected her!

And yes, we miss you guys as much you guys miss us! How's Kamille's exam? We have just returned from KLCC; there was a very boring deco in celebrating Chinese New Year...

I'm glad you wrote on my cbox again! =) And I don't have any resolutions because I know I won't follow it... like trying to lose weight for example... LOL

Ariel LV Tan said...

And WHAT is my face doing in your profile picture?! *GASPS*

Ariel LV Tan said...

Hi, krizzia! I hope you read this soon because you're tagged! Go to my blog and copy all the instructions and questions into your post.